Monday, March 1, 2010

102 Vorloi

Montanas Point Set Reconstruction


Voronoi-- Nallely

Ju Jin pointset tutorial

Voronoi Plug In-Elisabeth B

matrix iterations---Ju Jin & Nallely

Bao Tran's


Amy's Interations

Montana's Iterations

BART Matrix By Crystal and Bernadette

Iteration Matrix: Danielle M.

Here is my attempt at the iteration matrix. For some reason I couldn't get the objects to sweep together to make a solid. Maybe I could get some help on this tonight in class?

Cristina Murillo_ Programatic Iteration Matrix

Paneling Tools Tutorial: Danielle M.

Here are my two examples of the paneling tools tutorials. As with the bart car tutorial, technical difficulties with rhino made this assignment post late.

Stephanie Walker BART documentation process and Iteration

Bart Car Tutorial: Danielle M.

Here is my in class bart car tutorial assignment finished. sorry it's late, technical difficulties with rhino.

Stephanie Walker Glass bottle

Sunday, February 28, 2010